Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What a difference Paint makes!

All the golden oak furniture & cabinets are almost all history from my home! WooHoo!
Sure hope it never comes back in style! LOL!

If you remember last fall I redid my golden oak dining table. Gave it a black base with a mahogany gel stained top. It turned out gorgeous! You can see it here. I mean anything was better than that orangy oak! Well, I still had a curio cabinet in golden oak which needed a makeover. So I started the project, but soon discovered hubby would be better at doing this. I just hate sanding wood!
So thankfully hubby agreed to do the job and he finished it yesterday. What a difference paint makes! So happy it is no longer looking dated but current and hip in a lovely black satin!!



Even got some new knobs!

I went ahead and started decorating for fall yesterday. I know I'm a bit early, but the weather felt liked fall and I'm looking forward to fall this year. Guess I had my fill of summer & lake time this year. Have you all started decorating your homes for fall yet?? I'l post pics of my fall decor in a few days. Until then...Take Care & God Bless You!



  1. Really beautiful. Great transformation. I'm ready for Fall too.

  2. Looks great! And I agree, that's a great look for fall! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  3. I recently painted and distressed my curio cabinet too. Amazing how different- and more importantly- better- those older ones look with paint. My grandmother gave my parents my cabinet years ago and she's a traditionalist who would not be thrilled to know people like you and me do this. LOL

    Yours looks much, much better after!


I am so thankful for all of you that read this blog and appreciate each and every comment! I read each comment & will be sure to get back with you if you ask a question.

God Bless!