Friday, March 4, 2011

We are having a GIVEAWAY!!

As most of you know we are manufactuer's of Custom Baby & Kid's Rugs. Our Company is called Creative Carpet Design. We manufacture here in the USA! We have been so blessed with a prosperous growing business even in this rough economy. We give all thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ!

We know it is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20:35 so we are GIVING AWAY to a luck winner ONE CUSTOM INITIAL RUG (value $263)

To enter: Become our friend on our facebook page and then share our facebook page with your friends and come back to our facebook page and let us know you shared. You can also get more entries by blogging & tweeting about our company and our contest. Just be sure to give a link to either our facebook page and/or our website -

Winner will be randomly selected on March 31st. Good Luck!


  1. On my facebook!

  2. I've shared, too!!! Would LOVE to win!!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!!!

  3. I will send out on our family blog and I will tweet, I don't do facebook !!!

    Oh I would love to win !!!

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  4. Just shared your link on my facebook wall!.

    Christie C
    dctm at bellsouth dot net


I am so thankful for all of you that read this blog and appreciate each and every comment! I read each comment & will be sure to get back with you if you ask a question.

God Bless!