Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Wonderland

We got SNOW!

We are on our 3rd day of enjoying this glorious white stuff! Normally, we get a small dusting of snow every year but it usually only lasts for 1 day....so this has been a real treat for us! We got 6-7 inches. Schools have been closed for 2 days so of course my daughter loves that!

Here are the pics of our winter wonderland.

Jumping for JOY!

My turn to jump for Joy!

Well Hello sweet hubby! Go get a jacket on...silly.

Time to make a snow angel

Snow Angel

Pull faster Dad

My snow bunnies

How do ya like the snow kitty?

Brrr.....I need booties on my paws.

Peek a Boo I see You

Did you get any snow?


  1. We got a lot of snow, too! You look like you are having a great time! Family moments are so special.

  2. Gorgeous snow photos Darlene!

    Happy New Year! ~Melissa :)

  3. We're from south-central Canada and have already had 122 cm of snow since Oct.! It's very pretty, but we're constantly shoveling or moving it with a front end loader. The novelty has definitely worn off!! Enjoy your snow!
    I'm approx 75% done my kitchen redo. I used your painting tutorial and I think I'm going to be quite happy with the results. Thanks for the great tips! Whew! What a lot of work! I've been working of this since Dec. 27. There are 31 doors and 9 drawers, and I've just now finished putting the second coat of paint on them...will probably need a third. Hubby's doing the beadboard. Next...paint the ceiling and walls...new backsplash...redo floors...will I ever be done????


I am so thankful for all of you that read this blog and appreciate each and every comment! I read each comment & will be sure to get back with you if you ask a question.

God Bless!