Monday, May 17, 2010

Our Disney World Vacation

We're Back!!

We all had a great time on vacation at Disney World! It went by so fast though! I now feel like I need a vacation from vacation! LOL

We did Disney World on a budget...yes, it's possible!! We rented a condo instead of staying at a DW resort. We ate mostly at restaurants outside of DW. We got 3 day park hopper tickets at a discount through ebay and used membership reward points to fly for FREE!! All in all our Disney World vacation was only $2300. I have heard outrageous quotes for a DW vacation up as high as $12,000...yikes!

Enjoy the pics!

Where are you going this summer on vacation??


  1. Looks like fun!! I can't wait! I read your trip advisor journal and it was very helpful. I know the African restaurant Boma was is on our dining plan and we were going to make reservations there, do you recommend it? We are doing alot of research on everything so we can plan everything out. I hear you really need a plan because everything is so big and you don't want to spend your time rambling around. You did great on your budget! I know it helped having flying miles...if we had to pay for this trip we wouldn't be going! I'm very grateful to my parents for taking us! I hope you get rested up soon, I'm sure you are very tired! Kristen

  2. Oh my goodness!! I am so jealous! I have been do Disney 3 times and can't wait to go again!!! What fun!!!

    I have an award for you on my blog! Please stop by and check it out. :-)

  3. Darlene your pics are great...I have a pic of my kids in that phonebooth in Epcot, if you were to go right before the bridge over to France, that is the way to the beach and Yacht club where we stayed....if you stay in the park you get to stay later....

    I'm so glad you had a nice time...the weather looked perfect...we went once in May i remember the days were a little hot not horrible though, how did you find it ???

    12,000 $$$ my word...that's crazy !!!

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  4. Wow, seeing these great photos make me want to go back to Disney asap. Wonderful
    We won't get a vacay this year as my husband just started a new job. We are currently spending long weekends exploring our new state.


I am so thankful for all of you that read this blog and appreciate each and every comment! I read each comment & will be sure to get back with you if you ask a question.

God Bless!