Saturday, April 17, 2010

God Broke My Heart

My husband and I were driving home from the bookstore last night and we drove past a man holding a sign that said "any help" so we circled back around and gave him all the change we had. As soon as we gave it to the man he said God Bless You and we said the same to him. Then immediatly upon seeing his face I started crying. I was overcome with sadness and was so heart broken for him that I cried & worried for this stranger. He was a clean cut looking man and I keep wondering why he is out there. I don't know his story but my heart wanted to rescue him, get him a job, a place to live, food to eat, a car. My husband said that he would go back if I wanted him to and give him more money. We felt guilty for just giving him our spare change when we could have given him so much more. I just said I don't know what to do and don't know why god is making me cry and giving me so much compassion for people in these situations. This is the 2nd time I've cried when I see people holding signs needing help. I have never been affected like this prior to this past year. I told hubby it's good we don't have alot of people holding "Need Help" signs or I would be crying and giving all the money away.

(this is not the actual man just a photo I found to give you an idea of the man holding the sign)

Then I told hubby that he should go back and give him some of our emergency food. But then I thought he might not even have a pan to cook it in. UGH! Then I thought maybe we should have told him about Jesus. Then hubby reminded me that he said God Bless You to us first so that he was probably a Christian. I feel like I need to know his story. Hubby said the only way we could is to take him to lunch and talk with him maybe if he out there tomorrow. Then the other part of me is scared to get that close to him...he could be a bad guy after all. Oh all these emotions. My friend told me that she often is overcome with emotion for people like I was and that it was the Holy Spirit inside of us wanting us to intercede for the person. That makes perfect sence! I cannot supply all of this man's needs nor do I know his story but I know a God that does and can supply all his needs!! I prayed for this man & immediatly I felt a release. The crying stopped and the worry for this stranger because I know that God is in Control and I did what he wanted me to do. I also said in my prayer that if God wanted me to give the man or do anything for the man that I was willing and to just let me know.

I just wanted to share this experience with you all in case God ever Breaks your Heart for a Stranger you'll understand why.

Matthew 25:40 (the Message) Then Jesus will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.'

God Bless You!



  1. I'm seeing this more and more. It's so sad. I'm crying now hoping that man is ok. I will pray for him. Thank you.

  2. There are so many people that hold signs here so we are hardened to them. Especially when you seen one walk across the over pass and get in their Mercedes.

  3. ....or he could be a scammer. I remember hearing a first hand account about a professional "street person" who was seen driving off in his high end car at the end of his "work" day. I don't mean to sound cold-hearted but we have social programs for people in difficult circumstances. I still see "help wanted" signs in stores. If he's as young and healthy as the man in your photo, he can make a better life for himself if he chooses.

  4. I used to see a mna in the same situation every time I went to Walmart. And I always gave him a dollar. People used to tell me I was foolish but I have a friend whose Mother always told her to be kind to strangers because "It could be Jesus". I never forgot that so I give. Maybe it is a con but a dollar won't hurt. I hope your heart feels better. XO, Pinky

  5. Thanks for sharing your heart.

    God bless you...

  6. This happened to me a few weeks ago only I was heartbroken for a lady and her dog. It was kinda hot outside and the dog was laying on the sidewalk panting. I immediately pulled into a nearby McDonalds and bought some hamburgers and cups of water. As I circled around to give them to the woman, they were gone! I was crushed and just started crying all over again.

    I've decided I'm going to keep some "emergency" type relief bags in my car for both people and animals, filled with snacks, bottled water, etc. That way I can just hand them out through the car window.

  7. I have had this same type of experience many times over the years. Many times I give money or food to people holding those signs. I wonder about their stories also and how they ended up like that. You cried because you care and you are a good person. You cried because you are blessed and you feel for those you hold those signs. You cried because you are compassionate.

    As much as we feel all that, we live in a world that we can't take people like that home with us or bring them into our personal lives. I always think about Elizabeth Smart's mother trying to help the man holding the sign. She brought what would later be the monster who kidnapped her daughter. So, we do what we can for them and say a prayer for them. That's really all we can do.

  8. Well I think you did the right thing. Mainly because it was on your heart to do so and you did it. Sometimes I see these people and as horrible as it sounds I wonder if they are scammers. I do see a lot of those people around where I live. Unfortunately I have gotten harden to them...and I do hate that. My heart use to break for them...Thank you for the reminder that I need to pray that I soften my heart.

  9. That verse always works on my conscience b/c I'm torn between knowing whether or not they really need help or if they are serial beggars. We have those here. There's one that is always at our exit that drives his mini-van there and has a cell phone, so I don't donate to them anymore. I just give to charities like the Salvation Army and churches and hope they take care of them. I did have a man come up to me at Wal-mart needing money for food, so I met him up at the Wendy's and bought him dinner. I figured that way, had I given him money, he could have gone in WM and bought alcohol or something. It's a hard choice because it's on them to be honest, and on us to make sure their needs are being met.

  10. Such a touching post. It was interesting to read the responses from both sides.

    God Bless you. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

  11. Your post really hit home because I often feel that way, I live in a large city so we see that every day and by now I can generally tell the ones that need my help and the ones that are scammers. It breaks my heart even now when I see it though so I do try to help when I can. All I can say is that God bless you and your husband for having the kindness to turn around and try to help, just be careful.

  12. aww what a generous person you are. don't know why but it reminds me of the story i was forwarded today about the baby and the angel and 'just call her mom'.


I am so thankful for all of you that read this blog and appreciate each and every comment! I read each comment & will be sure to get back with you if you ask a question.

God Bless!