Thursday, January 22, 2009

Has the Economy Changed Your Plans?

Today I'm grieving a bit for the plans we had. We planned on selling our current home and building a new custom home. We had purchased a beautiful 1 1/2 acre lot up on a hill with mountain views & rolling acreage. We made payments on the land for 6 years. We also found the look of the home that we wanted (chosen specifically for our property).

Here it is...isn't it pretty! :(

Then Hubby & I spent hours and hours designing just how we wanted the interior and had an architect draw up the blueprints for us. We were planning on self contracting the home ourselves. The plan was to build the new home with mostly cash and if needed only have a very small mortgage. This was only possible with the sale of our current lake home.

We put our home on the market & were told we could get more money for it than what we originally thought. Woo Hoo!

Then, the market died and we could no longer get what we needed to to build the new home. Now it brings me to where we are now. We decided that due to the economy our dream has died as they say it will be several years for the real estate market to make a comeback. We put our beautiful 1 1/2 acre lot up for sale and it just sold. We are signing the papers tomorrow. I'm sad thinking about all the times hubby & I spent up on our land dreaming of our new home, designing it, staking out where the best views were for window placement, seeing our girls running on the property so excited for the new home, etc... oh this darn economy ruined my plans! Is it crazy that I am almost in tears writing this?? I am sad, but have to trust that God has something better in store and that he knows best!

Has the economy changed your plans??


  1. Darlene, the economy has taken a lot of dreams from us. But I believe that you are right that god has another plan. I always say it just wasn't meant to be.
    You may just find that your plans of the dream home will fit on another piece of property. We we stop dreaming our life comes to a stand still. Blossom

  2. I'm sorry you can not build your dream home yet. It is only temporary. Someday you will have it.

    Oh, the home you picked out is beautiful!


  3. I'm so sorry. I just hate this economy right now, maybe things will get better soon. There are tons of houses for sale in our area right now. There is one right around the corner that the bank is taking over. I guess I'm just thankful Kevin has a job and we are able to pay our bills. However, I see us staying here for a long time.

    I hate that you didn't get your dream house, but I bet something better than you ever imagined will come along someday. Kristen

  4. I'm sorry your dreams are crushed right now. Have a good cry and hopefully you will be able to move forward. I feel your pain and I will pray for you to feel comfort. Have a good day!!

  5. I'm sorry but you are right God will have a better plan for you.Go ahead and have a good cry that always helps me....Barb

  6. Oh Darlene I'm so sorry.
    What a beautiful home you were going to build.
    I am positive it will all work out for you in the long run.
    Take Care, ~Melissa :)

  7. Oh I am sorry your dream home has to be put on hold. Maybe something better is in store for you. All we can do is pray that the economy gets better and you can move forward with your "dream".♥

  8. I feel for you. This economy is really bad. So many people in our state are losing there houses. We are barley hanging on to ours. If there is one positive lesson to be learned right now it is " Take time to appreciate what we have and nuture it, take care of it,and appreciate it. " I think we are a spoiled society ( me too) I grew up with parents, ect . that stayed in there houses forever. We , as a society the average is to move every 3 to 5 years. Maybe it is a wake up call. Not saying you fit into this, i am just trying to figure out why this is happening. The house you have looks very nice. I bet you will get your dream sooner then you think. mishelle

  9. That is so sad and I would be crying!
    I'm sure there will be something better but I know that doesn't help right now :-(

  10. I love your dream home! Dont give up...keep on dreaming. One day when the time is right you will have your dream.. Im sure of it!

  11. I totally get that. We have 2-1/2 acres we bought in another city w/ the same intentions. Now, I'm the one holding out - wondering if we should sell it. I guess something better might come along, one day.

  12. I am so sorry for your change of plans....Something similar happened to us 25 years ago. We too had plans, had worked with an architech, had the perfect lot, and had even bought the kitchen cabinets (Woodmode) and had them in storage when a situation arose and we had to sell the lot. Oh I mourned for that house for years...even hung on the the cabinets for years and then decided to let go. God then provided the opportunities for us to live in several different styles of houses over the years. Now I'm so glad we didn't build that house...I can't even imagine living in it now! It's so hard when our dreams take a different path than what we've planned for them. I encourage you to let go of the hurt as soon as possible and thank Him for the opportunity to go through the design process.(which I know you've probably already done..from reading your blog I can see you live a life of gratitude!) Then watch and see where He takes could be beyond your wildest dreams!
    Believing your best is yet to come!

  13. I am so sorry - what a bummer. The home you have pictured is just beautiful and so is your current home. I am glad to hear you and trusting God in this... He will provide.

  14. Forgot to tell you the economy didn't change our plans drastically the military did.
    My husband still doesn't have official orders as of yet. We'll see. I hope we sell when the time comes if we have to move... I'm scared.

  15. Darlene, that's a gorgeous home, I can see why you are disappointed. But, yes this economy is taking its toll on everyone, I'm afraid. My hubby is a stock market guy & watches all of this like a hawk & he says it could be 4 or more years before things even start getting better. It's just terrible, but we have to keep the bigger picture in mind, that God is in control of it all.

    You know the older I get, the less I have huge dreams of things here in this world. I'm keeping my eyes on the heavenly prize!

  16. I'm sorry you didn't get your dream home. :(

    Last spring, we had found a home we loved. After visiting dozens of houses for sale, we finally walked in one that immediately felt like home. It wasn't grand or new or fancy, but it was very homey and it felt like the perfect fit for our family. It was a 5 bedroom house, with one bedroom downstairs for an office/guest room, and the other 4 upstairs. A master bedroom with 2 closets. 2 rooms for the girls on one side of the stairs (a larger one for the younger two to share, and a smaller one for the oldest), and another room on the other side of the stairs for the boys. A family room, a living room, a dining room, laundry in the attached garage. It was pretty much everything we really wanted. We filed all the papers, put down a deposit, and then we had to wait while the banks bickered back and forth about all the little details. The day before we were supposed to enter escrow, the markets suddenly tanked and the loan opportunities all dried up. The financing we had all lined up for the offer just disappeared. We basically missed out on the house by one day. It hurt. My husband and I still talk about the house, drive by it occasionally, and find ourselves still daydreaming about furniture placements and the little projects we had already been planning - fixing up tiles, putting up shelves in the eating area, replacing lighting fixtures... I'll look through a catalog and be placing pieces of furniture in that house in my mind. *sigh* It's hard to be content with what you have at times, but we try.

  17. I can understand that this is sad to you, something you have looked forward to. But these days it seems we need to just be thankful for what we have and it seems you are doing very well. Economy has affected our area extremely, in fact, I lost my job from a career I've spent 15 years in due to the housing issue, along with many of my friends. Not to mention there aren't any jobs that pay what we are used to or need, so we are stuck on unemployment for now and trying desperately to hold on to what we have now. Even though we're holding on by a shoestring that is ready to break, we still are thankful for what we have. Just remember everything happens for a reason and this happened because something better is in your horizon. If that doesn't work, look at a neighbor who works just as hard as you but still losing what they have. Everything looks better then.

  18. Darlene, I'm so sorry your dream home plans didn't work out. We too had planned on selling our house when our youngest graduates in 3 years, however, that's not happening now. We'd have to give our house away with this economy right now. We, here in Michigan, have had a bad, bad, economy for a while now, much more than the rest of the country.

    So, my lesson learned in all of this...Not my plans, but God's plans. I do trust Him with my life and the plans He may have for it. Until a move is made, we have a nice home so do you. . .and for that we are truly BLESSED!!



  19. I'm so sorry, Darlene. I know how discouraging this is for you. I want to encourage you to keep on dreaming. One day you will sell your home and you will build your dream home. Even though it might not be the home you originally dreamed of.
    It was many years of dreaming and planning while we lived in the back pasture in the tiny house, before our dream home came true. When we built our new house, we were already grandparents!

    We have a new dream to live full time in the Ozarks, but it may be extra years when that dream comes true, due to the economy. Even though we are in our 60's, we have hope, that dream will come true, too.

  20. So many of us can relate. Looks like I may be in this apartment longer than my hubby and I anticipated, but we are so blessed and grateful for what God has provided. I'm sad for you, but a dream may feel dead when it is only postponed.
    Please visit my blog today, I've left you an award for you to pick up.

  21. I can imagine that you are sad! I think the economy is changing plans for many people. Several friends I know have lost money on their homes. As for us, we are staying put in our current home for now, even though it would be nice to have a little more space.

  22. That is heartbreaking, but you're right. God knows best and apparently has other plans for you! Keep dreaming, and I'm sure He will reveal the plan!

  23. Im so sorry THIS dream wasn't realized but God has big plans...bigger than you could DREAM. It's sad that the economy is doing this to lots of people. I'm trying to stay positive and haven't been effected much yet except to tighten my belt and budget more. I'm hoping to hold onto my house, my job and outlast this crazy economy all in one piece. Cyber Hug to you today!!

  24. I am so sorry you dream home is on hold. It is a very difficult time for all of us right now. We have all lost so.. much money. I think if we can all keep what we currently have we are doing well. Please.. don't cry. God is good!! We will make it through all of this. We just have to keep our faith. I pray for security of our nation.
    Hugs, Terrie

  25. Dear Darlene~ Everyone's mostly said it all, so may I just add what most of us know already?~~~ That when God closes a door, he usually opens a window? ~~~ I sincerely think that will happen, & will honestly wish this for you. Thank God you are all alive and well & not laying sick in a hospital or worse. Maybe that doesn't help ALOT, but it usually puts things in perspective a bit better... at least I hope it does. Most warmly & sincerely, Linda/ RMS "Mom of a German Shorthair"


I am so thankful for all of you that read this blog and appreciate each and every comment! I read each comment & will be sure to get back with you if you ask a question.

God Bless!